Are ethics in journalism decreasing?
It is not uncommon to hear phrases like "the media is causing division" or "it is the media's fault" or anything along those lines. As more and more news publications and networks make controversial statements on current events, it seems like more and more people are losing their trust in the media experts. While a large majority of this could be just because the news is saying opinions that some people do not agree with, another big reason is also because many people believe that journalists have lost their ethics in reporting. This can be greatly attributed to the rise of news that is found on social media sites.
A 2019 survey shows that roughly 60% of people get their news online instead of from a television broadcast or a newspaper. If you spend any kind of time on social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok, you know how easy it can be to find real or fake news in the span of a 60 second video or a short post. Kyle Wong, co-founder and CEO of the influencer marketing program known as Pixlee, says, "I think anytime you have to compact complicated topics to fit within a particular time period, you have to leave out sometimes very crucial information". I very much agree with Kyle's statement. Most news stories that would be considered important at the time would take more than 30-60 seconds of screen time in order to get the whole point across. This brings us to the question of whether or not journalists, are compromising their moral ethics in order to get more screen time for their story.
(play until about 2:45)
Nowadays, not only are journalists being seen as unethical because of this switch in news forms, but there are now many "trolls" on the internet that create fake or upsetting news in order to make a worse name for the media. While social media sites, such as Twitter, have announced their plan to evaluate algorithm fairness and control fake news and unethical stories, it can still be extremely hard to catch the people that are doing this.
However, trolls are not the only people that are helping to create a bad name for journalism among social media users. When reporters and writers from various news networks decide what is important enough to go in a story and what can be left out, it causes a domino effect in the world of global media ethics. It can cause people to start believing whatever they see online even if it is only part of the truth or maybe not even truth at all. I think this is why it is so important to do extensive research before simply believing what you read on social media. It is also extremely nerve-wracking for me as a future journalist because I may have to choose between standing by my morals and ethics and what I believe in, and writing or saying something that compromises those things but may bring me fame and fortune.
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